“I am a 64 year old male who has always enjoyed fairly good health, but as the years ticked by, little things started bothering me more.  Sore joints and stiffness started affecting my golf game and therefore, my quality of life.  So I embarked on a search for possible improvements in overall health without the help of drugs and medicine.  When you decide you are really ready for something, the proper people usually come into your life to help you achieve what you want.  I was very fortunate to meet not one but 2 people who helped me.  Katrina Reti was one of those two people.  After a few sessions of emotional energy release therapy, things in my life really started getting better.  I played the best golf of my life all through the month of September — even beat my age on 9/4 with a lifetime best score of 63.  At first, I didn’t make the connection but then I reasoned that I was no longer carrying a lot of unnecessary baggage and that seemed to keep me both mentally and emotionally more stable.  That allows me to handle adversity better and focus more on the tasks at hand.  Pretty amazing when you consider I never even know this type of treatment existed until a few months ago.”

~ E. Scheid