Why Have Emotional Energy Release Therapy (EERT) …to feel better by releasing the stress of stuck emotional energy and reducing the resulting physical somatic symptoms.

Some physical conditions that improve with EERT are:

  • headaches
  • digestion problems
  • genito-urinary conditions
  • chronic pain throughout the body
  • pain caused by accidents and injuries

The emotional energy associated with the following conditions is often released with EERT:

  • Grieving
  • Depression
  • Bipolar problems
  • Separation issues
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Panic disorders
  • Somatic disorders
  • Co-dependence issues
  • Post-traumatic stress issues
  • Abuse issues

The above is only a partial listing of the conditions that respond well to EERT. The end result is that people feel so much better. Clients generally experience a “new lease on life.”

Emotional Energy Release Therapy

Much of the emotional pain that sends people to counseling is stored in the body as stuck energy, and thus is the cause of many physical conditions.  Our enculturation has kept us from freely expressing emotions which has led us to become constipated emotional pressure cookers.  We are taught not to express our emotions and are often shamed and abandoned if we do.

Emotional energy can be stored for years and becomes stuck behind chronically tightened muscles.  The chronically tightened muscles actually block the expression of desirable emotions like love and happiness, and restricts the expressions of fear, anger, and sadness leaving less desirable emotional energy jammed behind the tightened muscles.  Painful issues from years past that are associated with this stored emotional energy are unavailable to be resolved.   The awareness and flexibility needed to release this energy is blocked by the tightened musculature.

EERT frees blocked emotional energy allowing its release in a safe setting.  The tightened musculature then softens and emotional energy from the past that has been buried in the tissues releases.  When the old emotional energy is released, the old painful emotional patterns disappear, and many physical conditions can then heal.

What Happens In EERT?

The therapist provides a safe supportive place for the client to express the emotional energy.  Sometimes emotions such as sadness, rage, or fear are overwhelming, or childhood taboos restrict emotional expression. It is then necessary for the therapist to give support to the client.  Some clients may fear that once they start to release emotions, they won’t be able to stop.  The fact is, most people are in too much control, and will only release as much as they can handle at one time.

The process begins with deep, rhythmic breathing to build a charge of energy in the client’s body.  When the charge has built it will move stuck emotional energy out from behind the chronically tightened musculature to be expressed. The safe setting provided by the therapist supports the client’s release of emotional energy. Throughout the process the therapist has the client continue breathing until the charge dissipates, and any emotional energy that has been mobilized can release.

Many clients who experience anxiety attacks and hyperventilation will no longer experience them after a few sessions.

Many clients who are in psychotherapy, or are seeing a counselor, will start having significant gains with their psychotherapist or counselor when they had previously been stuck due to stuck painful emotional energy.

Often chronic diseases or physical dysfunctional conditions of the body will show significant improvement when the emotional energy that was restricting the area of dysfunction has been released. This can include but not be limited to digestion, genitor-urinary conditions, headaches, chronic pain, breathing, glandular conditions.

EERT is successful because once stuck emotional energy is released most people are capable of solving their own problems.

Some clients who have psychological problems and are receiving EERT will need to be in therapy with a psychotherapist or counselor to process and solve some of their psychological issues. This is an excellent opportunity for them to release and resolve some major psychological issues by teaming with an EERT therapist and psychotherapist or counselor. Often issues that previously could not be faced or resolved will be released and solved with this combination.